Adventures in farming in Central Texas.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wee wittle baby birdies

Well, the spring babies are really rolling in. Last week we received several shipments of poultry. It's amazing that you can pick up a box of peeping babies at the post office having arrived from cross country. Unfortunately, things sometimes don't work out so well and the chicks don't make it for one reason or another. We've never seen as many casualties as we did this year, but we have plenty of babies to take care of and have found a local feed store to make up for our losses.

We have about 30 chicks of various breeds. These will be providing us with a good number of eggs come the latter part of summer. We've got breeds that lay all sorts of eggs - from blue to white to deep chocolate brown! Mixed in with the chicks right now are 6 keets - that's baby guineas. Have you ever seen a guinea? Let me tell you, they are not the prettiest critters around. But keets sure are cute - they have ugly duckling syndrome in reverse!

(one of the keets is the stripey headed baby on the left of the photo)

And a first for the farm...DUCKLINGS! Oh my gosh, they are seriously the cutest little mess makers I've seen. Dale convinced us to get Khaki Campbells - they are supposed to be superb egg layers. I have always been in love with Indian runners - they 'waddle' almost completely upright and always look like they are in an absurd hurry. So we got a few of those too.

And if you've never had a duck egg...well, you might actually be disappointed. Dale was kind enough to give us some eggs to try from the Campbells he's raised at his parent's house. With some trepidation, I tried my first duck egg - just fried with a little salt so that I could discern any "grossness". Well, turns out, they taste almost exactly like chicken eggs! Maybe a teensy bit richer and creamier. So be sure to look for them amongst the farm products late this summer - they certainly are bigger than chicken eggs which is just an excuse to have more for breakfast!


  1. you're going to have fun with the ducks - they're a hoot! And I agree - the eggs are pretty much the same, maybe a bit richer.

  2. I'm pretty excited about the ducks! I've wanted runners at my house for the longest time but just didn't feel like I had the right set up. We are actually digging a REAL pond for the ducks in the future. In the meantime, they have a wonderful kiddie pool that awaits them! :)
